Digital Assesment Tool for LMS Project (PPI, ABWA, AECD) This form is designed to map existing workflows, tools, and pain points to improve our LMS development project. Digital Assesment Tool for LMS Project (PPI, ABWA, AECD) Organizational Processes & Tools, and Digital Experience AssessmentBusiness Center Needs Assessment Your Organization- Select -PPIABWAAECDYour Role- Select -ManagerialAdministrativeEducationalOtherTools familiarityHave you used a Learning Management System (LMS) before? Yes NoWhat LMS have you used?Rate your comfort level with using the current/previous LMS platform on daily basis 1. It's a nightmare! 2. I sometimes get stuck but somehow can manage. 3. It took sometime to learn, but eventually I became comfortable with it. 4. It's been always intutive and easy to use since day one!Current tools you use to manage learning processes (Select all that apply)Google Workspace (Sheets, Docs, Slides)MIcrosoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)ZoomMS TeamsGoogle MeetDescribe any challenges with your current tools, or improvements you think will streamline the workflow.WorkflowPlease describe your workflow for creating and delivering training materials, and tracking students progressWhat manual processes would you like to be automated? (Select all that apply)Student enrollmentProgress trackingGradingReportingContent creationOtherPlease specify the other manual processes you would like to automateDo you need to integrate the LMS with any other systems? Yes NoWhat systems/tools you'd like to integrate with the LMS? (Select all that apply)HR or payroll softwareCRM systemERP systemOtherPlease list the most important reports you'd like to trackPreviousNextNumber of staff admins who will manage your LMSApproximate number of trainees (beneficiaries) your organization serves annuallyWhat percentage of your training is currently delivered online? (%)0Please list the most common training programs your organization offers to beneficiariesWhat devices do your beneficiaries primarily use? (Select all that apply)Desktop/LaptopTabletSmartphoneData HandlingData handling compliance requirements for your organization (if any) Not required European GDPR United Kingdom DPA United States CPRA OtherPleas specifiy the data handling compliance requirement for your organization I consent to have this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry Previous Submit Form